Tomtom Free Maps Activation Code

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edited November -1 in TomTom Car Forum
The 920T came with a code for free map updates for a year. Should I wait until my map is outdated or should I just activate it now? Will it make a difference? Or is the starting point from when I first connected it to HOME? Will it not work after 30days?
Tomtom free maps activation codes

I installed tomtom Navigator 6 on my E61. When trying to activate it, using the unlock codes obtained from, I find I cannot type the letter J - I always get the # symbol, no matter what I do. Thus I cannot activate the maps. No problem typing J in the usual way in other applications. TOMTOM EASY ACTIVATOR for MAPS v6.15 to by Albert Swafega Patches Tomtom Navcore Patches TomtomHome DLL Activates Maps/POI’s/Voices Get latest meta.txt file from Albert Swafega Grabs QuickFixGPS data Extracts blowfish meta codes from bought maps Extract executable to root of device, then run. Tomtom Free Lifetime Maps Start 25. Car Navigation Systems 2012 Tomtom Start 20 Eu 45. Tomtom Lifetime Maps Code. Tomtom Lifetime Maps Activation Code Generator.

Tomtom Usa key generator Tomtom Europa 1.4.1 crack. On all 4 options in order, waiting for each to complete: Update meta, activate maps. TomTom Maps of Europe Truck v940.5999 Crack Serial Number Keygen License Activation Key Patch Full Version Free. Latest map version. TomTom's latest map version is 1060. If your map version is not the latest map version available, check the overview of map release dates below to find out the age of your map.Camper & Truck: v1041. Check map version on device. TomTom publishes four new map releases per year.

Tomtom Free Lifetime Maps Activation Code


Tomtom Free Maps Activation Codes

  • The code is only good for 30 days, to update the map to the latest release. The MapShare updates (peer submitted corrections) are free forever as long as you have a reasonably current map.
  • It definitely says 1 year. It references the web address: but right now that address doesn't exist.
  • Yea, you are right. The other models are not like that.
  • Does anyone know if that will be for the 920 too? I have the 920 ordered and waiting from Amazon, it may be worth the money for me to jump to the 920T if maps will be free for a year?
  • My 920T has the same offer in the box. I plan to register this weekend.
  • I think I'm going to hold off until there actually is a map update available...maybe I'll get a year from that update.
  • I tried to use the code and its not working. Also the url they refer you to on the leaflet does not exist. I know with Home 2.1 the 30 day latest map promotion goes right through Home 2.1 and you don't need the code according to the support Faq. Theres nothing posted yet about the 'free maps for a year' that comes with the 920. They might have abandoned the activation code idea and the 1 year maps might be automatic through the new Home software. Not 100% sure, but I did leave a message with support, lets see what they say. I'm betting they might be doing the same as the 'latest map offer for 30 days'
  • I just got my 920 today, after reading the back of the Certificate, to me it sounds like all the updates you want for up to a year.
    Quote 'you are intitled to download all the new map releases for one year at no charge.'
  • I just got my TT720 and found a Code. It says to go to In there it say there that if you use TTHome 2.x than that Map Check Code paper is not necessary. All you have to do is in Home 2.x --> File --> Use Latest Map Gurantee and it will as you to login. I guess that is when they will start counting your 30 days and a duration of 1 year of updates.
    It can also be that the first time you connect through Home 2.x (without logging-in), the serial number of the device is uploaded to the TomTom servers letting them know that your 30 days and 1 year just started.
  • I think RAV is right. The Tomtom Home software will report automatically when you first use the application while connect to the internet.
    I'm using Tomtom One LE and they just allow me to update map free for only 30 days. So GO 720 is more advanced!
    I did backup the map right after use the Home software, but regret that I did not backup it before I update.
    I think we should backup two times, in two different destination folders in PC, one before update and one after update, because it will overwrite the previous backup if you point to the same destination folder.
  • The webpage is up now:

    Congratulations on the purchase of your TomTom GO 920!
    How to claim your “New maps for 1 year” offer:
    Currently, your new TomTom GO 920 already has the latest map pre-installed: Version 7.10.
    Please return to this page after January 25th, 2008 to find out how to get your 2008 “New maps for 1 year” offer.
    In the meantime, please note:
    * You will need the activation code indicated on the front of the leaflet. Please put it in a safe place for future reference.
    * You will also need to create a MyTomTom account to take advantage of this offer.
    Enjoy your new TomTom GO.
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  • TomTom is now claiming that the 1 year of free maps with the 920 was a 'typo' on the insert that went into the packages. That the 920 'should' have come with a 30 day map guarantee, as did the 720.
    Has anyone purchased a 920, maybe from newer inventory, that only came with a 30 day map guarantee. Ya never know whether TT is feeding us a line or telling us the truth.
  • TomTom is now claiming that the 1 year of free maps with the 920 was a 'typo' on the insert that went into the packages. That the 920 'should' have come with a 30 day map guarantee, as did the 720.
    Has anyone purchased a 920, maybe from newer inventory, that only came with a 30 day map guarantee. Ya never know whether TT is feeding us a line or telling us the truth.
    Yeah there's no way that's a typo. Logo that says 1 year, webpage name 1yearmaps, insert that says 1 year.
  • Just so you all don't think I am pulling your chains, the below is a cut and paste from the response that I received from TT today, right off the My Questions page of their website...
    'In regard to your query we can not give you that update for the GO 720 because it only came with a thirty day. The GO 920 was only suppose to have a thirty day as well but some how we had a typo when creating the voucher. We will honor the one year with the GO 920 but since the GO 720 only had a thirty day that is all it gets. We do apologize for the inconvenience and we do thank you for being a TomTom customer.'
    You can draw your own conclusions from this. Based on ownership of two units, one only a couple of months old and the other having a 1 year guarantee, I was trying to get a free map upgrade. It didn't work...
  • I didn't think you were pulling our chain at all.... I just don't believe the answer they provided is completely accurate.
  • I never said that I believed them, just that they made the claim. Maybe they are all reading from the same script, maybe they ad lib a bit individually...
    I just wanted to make sure that the guys with the straight army jackets weren't stalking me. :)
  • Davids331,
    Since you have an open line of communication with TT support going, ask TT to explain the Link that Tim provided above.
    We would all be curious for their answer.
  • My support issue has been update. Will let you know what they say.
  • Well, as you can see Meredith, the TT support rep in both cases, is apparently ad libbing more than previously thought. She really should keep track of her stories. As you can see, she is no longer quoting a 'typo' for the 1 year map guarantee, but rather is are now claiming that it was just a different promotion for the 920, than for the 720. Type? Different promotion? They do sound similar, no?
    'In regard to your query you will be getting free map updates for one year for your GO 920. However you will not get free map updates past your thirty day mark on the GO 720 because that is the promotion it came with. The GO 720 and GO 920 are difference units with different promotions. We do apologize for the inconvenience and confusion.'
  • Agreed, but they both came from the same support rep within a few days of each other. It could be that TT changed the script with things started heating up. 'Ok, stop telling people that it was a typo, since nobody is believing us anyway, and lets change the webpage to reflect that the 920 promotion was always intended to be for a year.'
    The true test is to see what new inventory ships with.
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